
“Per fare una vera avventura, ci vogliono cinque elementi: un sogno da realizzare, difficoltà da superare che richiedono una preparazione fisica e mentale, una parte di scoperta, un pizzico di rischio da calcolare con attenzione ed emozioni di quelle capaci di cambiare per sempre chi le ha vissute. Le Alpi sono da secoli pane per i denti delle persone audaci. Offrono vette a chi è affamato di nuovi orizzonti, ostacoli per tutte le gambe e per tutti i cuori, misteri da svelare a ogni passo, pericoli da imparare a evitare – ed esperienze indimenticabili. Ma attenzione: scalare non serve a conquistare le montagne; le montagne restano immobili, siamo noi che dopo un’avventura non siamo più gli stessi.”

Irene Borgna – Sulle Alpi

7 pensieri su “Alpi

    1. Thanks Steve! Yes indeed. I was about 2400 meters above sea level when I took this pic. Now unfortunately I have already returned home, at much lower altitudes …😟
      Speaking of altitude, I have to ask you a curiosity: what unit of measurement is used in North America? I mean, I always imagined that the height of the mountains is reported with the same unit of measurement all over the world … Mount Everest is 8848 meters high for everyone, or maybe not? 🤔

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      1. That is quite high, I thought it would be. Here in Canada we use the metric system now, since the late 1970s. The US uses the imperial system still, which I also prefer. But I know both, so I use both. For me though Mount Everest would be 29,032 feet! I would have had to look up the height in meters.😂 We also use Celsius for temp, but the US still uses Fahrenheit, which I like better too,🙄 but I know both equally well.😀😺

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      2. Oh well… I must have messed with the International System which, if I’m not mistaken again, is only used in chemistry… Among other things, I had to read the height of Everest a couple of times because 29 feet seemed like a few 😅😂 Blame the fact that I’m used to reading only the decimals after the comma! 🙈😂 But then I got it! And definitely twenty-nine thousand feet give a better idea 😳

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      3. It’s easy to make that mistake when you’re not used to a certain system of measuring. I can imagine that only 29 feet would have sounded odd!😂 It’s actually a harder system to learn than the one you use.🤔 But saying the height in feet sounds so much taller than saying it in meters!😁😺

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